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Article: How To Remove Plaque From Teeth?

How To Remove Plaque From Teeth?

How To Remove Plaque From Teeth?

Removing Plaque From Teeth At Home

We’ve all felt it, that sticky feeling on our teeth that seems to happen first thing in the morning, after meals, and sometimes for seemingly no reason whatsoever. Even a trip to the dentist may garner a comment about your not-so-pearly-whites because of “plaque build-up” on your teeth. While everyone deals with plaque, left untreated, it can cause a variety of issues including cavities, bad breath, tooth decay, gum disease and more. But plaque buildup can be prevented with regular oral hygiene consisting of brushing, flossing, and visits with your dentist.

Keep reading to find out more about what causes plaque on teeth, how to get rid of plaque, and best steps to prevent further plaque buildup.

What is Plaque? 

First things first, plaque is that yucky feeling on your teeth that happens upon waking up, after eating or drinking, and often times, before brushing your teeth. Plaque contains bacteria that is essentially caused from leftover food in your mouth that when mixed with saliva, sticks to your teeth. Everyone has bacteria in their mouth but plaque is described as feeling “sticky” or “fuzzy” on your teeth and it can be clear to pale yellow in color. It’s the bacteria in plaque that can cause cavities and damage the enamel on your teeth.

One can remove built up plaque from teeth with a proper routine of brushing and flossing. Left untreated, however, and plaque turns into that hard stuff on and between your teeth known as tartar. Tartar is what gets scraped off your teeth during a dental visit and when that happens, it’s not anyone’s idea of fun!

Due to the bacteria in plaque, a host of oral health issues can occur, so if you’re curious how to quickly remove plaque from teeth, it’s best to prevent it from building up with good oral hygiene and regular visits to your dentist.

How Plaque Builds Up on Teeth 

We all have bacteria in our mouths and that is nothing to be alarmed about. But plaque occurs when the bacteria in our mouth mixes with the sugars and starches contained in the foods that we eat. Everything from fruit to pasta to dairy to candy can create plaque buildup on teeth. Without regular brushing, the plaque can turn into tartar. This is what can potentially cause inflammation of the gums, tooth decay, and more.

When plaque accumulates in the mouth, conditions such as gum disease, also known as periodontitis, can occur. Gum disease is basically inflammation of the gums. Some scientists see a direct link between periodontal inflammation and inflammation in other parts of the body which can lead to heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and diabetes.

While plaque is mostly to blame for gum disease, things like smoking, certain medications, and a family history of gum disease can contribute to poor overall health in general, as well as oral health. This is why a healthy lifestyle that includes moderate exercise, good oral hygiene practices, and drinking plenty of water can have long lasting benefits holistically.

Steps to Remove Plaque from Teeth At Home

1. Start with Hygiene Habits 

When it comes to how to remove plaque from teeth naturally, it’s as simple as starting and maintaining good oral hygiene habits. Brushing your teeth twice a day with a soft bristle toothbrush and fluoridated toothpaste is a great place to start.Twice toothpaste not only whitens your teeth but it also prevents cavities and remineralizes enamel. Flossing regularly will also help remove excess food particles and bacteria. Visit your dentist twice a year also, to ensure you’re getting proper oral healthcare.

If you’re also looking for an overall boost to your oral healthcare routine that includes a brighter, whiter smile, consider reading this article on How to Start a Teeth Whitening Routine.

2. Consider Your Diet

As with all nutrition, sweet and fatty foods aren’t necessarily the best choices to make for good health. Sugary foods like cake, candy, even some fruits, can contribute to bacteria and plaque buildup in the mouth. So choosing healthier options like carrots, apples, and almonds likely won’t add to the buildup on your teeth. Lean proteins and unsweetened tea should also have a positive effect on your oral health. 

H3: 3. Check Your Ingredients

You know the old expression, “you are what you eat” – the same idea can be applied to not just what you eat, but also to what goes in your mouth. That’s why it’s a good idea to read the labels when choosing which oral care products to use.  It’s important to look for healthy ingredients for everything we put into our bodies and this article helps explain why: Before It Goes in Your Mouth - Check Your Ingredients!

4. Visit the Dentist  

If you want to know how to remove plaque from teeth without dentist, follow the advice above. Brush and floss at least twice a day, eat healthy and think about the products you put into your mouth. That said, if you have tartar on your teeth, and most of us do no matter how good our oral care routine is, a visit to the dentist will do the trick to remove it. Regular dental checkups are important in keeping your teeth and mouth healthy and can also uncover any oral health issues that you may not even be aware of.

5. Maintain Patience 

Starting any new habit or endeavor can often lead to frustration because we tend to want immediate results with everything. So try not to ask yourself how long does it take to remove plaque from teeth because it may require some patience. Getting into a healthy routine with your teeth will have long lasting benefits from whiter teeth to fresher breath and everything in between. Stick with your routine and pretty soon, getting rid of plaque will be second nature.


Having healthy teeth offers plenty of benefits like a great smile, fresh breath and whiter teeth. Glo science teeth whitening products not only contain safe and effective plaque busting ingredients but can also support you in your pursuit of a oral health care routine, all while brightening your smile.

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