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Article: 10 Tips to Impress in Online Interviews

10 Tips to Impress in Online Interviews

10 Tips to Impress in Online Interviews

A person sitting at a table Description automatically generated with medium confidence

The world has seen many changes in the past year and a half, including how companies conduct business. Many places are hiring, but to keep people safe, they are conducting interviews online. If you are wondering how to ace an interview, follow the tips listed below to put your best foot forward.

10 Tips To Impress In An Online Interview

Getting the job of your dreams means you have to stand out from the competition. Following these video interviewing tips will help you make a good impression.

1. Make Sure Your Equipment Works

The first thing you need to do to ensure you ace an online interview is to make sure your computer works. Do a test run with a friend to ensure you can connect through Zoom or whatever platform is being used and that the other person can hear and see you.

2. Get Rid of Distractions

Before getting online to do your interview, make sure pets and kids are shut out of the room. You'll also want to put your phone on silent and mute any notifications you get on your computer.

3. Have the Right Lighting

It doesn't matter if you're using natural lighting from a window or lamps, make sure they are placed in front to light up your face. Make sure to position the light so that it's not shining directly into your eyes or glaring off your glasses. Eye contact should be easy when you're trying to engage another person in conversation.

4. Dress for Success

Your normal at-home work attire might be sweats, a T-shirt and a hat, but this is not how you want to dress when you're meeting with a hiring manager. Knowing how to impress in an online interview means making yourself look good! Put on a nice top and do your hair.

5. Put Your Best Self on Display

Not only should you be dressing appropriately for an online interview, but you should put your best self on display, and that includes smiling as much as possible.

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6. Find a Way to Relax

Whether an interview is in person or online, it can be incredibly nerve wracking. Finding a way to relax before you have to get on your computer is in your best interest. Consider doing some meditating, taking some deep breaths or stretching to help you relax before your interview.

7. Know Where to Look

If the interview was in real life, you'd want to look the other person in the eye. The same is true for an online interview, so make sure you're looking at your camera and not at the screen.

8. Be Engaged

Your body language says a lot about you, so make sure you're letting the other person know you're engaged and interested in what they have to say. Sit up straight, smile and nod often to let the interviewer know you're paying attention.

9. Ask Questions

There always comes a time during the interview when you're asked if you have any questions, and having some lets the other person know you're truly interested in the job.

Asking what the culture is like and what they enjoy most about their job gives you some insight into what you might expect when you start working for the company.

10. Be Yourself

People might come across as stiff during interviews because they're nervous. Since you already took the time to relax before getting online, now you can let your personality shine through. This is a great way to ace an online interview and hopefully land the job!

Confidence Comes with Looking Good

Confidence is key when it comes to doing well in an interview. Having white teeth can help boost your self-esteem and encourage you to smile more, which can make you appealing to potential employers. At GLO Science, we have the products you need to look and feel your best. Check out our selection today!

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